Just recently Samantha has brought out collage sheets featuring some of her bright and beautiful coloured artworks to spice up the pages of your journal if you get stuck for ideas or just want something a little left of center. click the image below to take you to her collage sheets for sale.

if you are interested in journal workshops but the budget is tight! some of Samantha's workshops are at a very affordable price, starting from as little as $10US you can jump into her world. I for one, will be taking the workshop below in the following weeks.

If binding your own journal just seems a little too much, Sam has a custom journal section on her blog (click away to a custom journal) Another gift to myself in the coming weeks, yes I can bind my own and all that jazz, but her work just awes me so much I have to own my own journal made by her.
This beautiful Journal artist has inspired so much inside of me, and I thank her for all shes done, even though she doesn't know it, she has helped light that rainbow fire in my heart again.
That is worth its weight in gold to me.
Please check out her website and her store, there is something for any journal keeper I can assure you more than just one item, there are several!!
enjoy your weekend inside the pages of your journal! I know I will
xx Courtney

**Please note all images and links included in this post have been used with FULL permission for Samantha Kira Harding.
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